I just received LotW confirmations from XT2TT, Burkina Faso, that included a RTTY digital contact. That confirmation actually completes my first goal for the year; getting 175 countries confirmed in LotW. It also completes a second goal; getting Digital DXCC and completing a hat-trick (CW/Phone/Digital DXCC).
So I suppose my first goal wasn’t difficult enough. I had 154 confirmed countries in LotW at the end of 2012, so I’ve added 21 new ones. Shooting for 200 confirmed in LotW seemed like too large a leap (46 new ones), given the rate that I find new countries. Still, guess I have to set a new goal of 200 by the end of 2013.
And how I wish the ARRL had a “Triple Play” for DXCC like they do for WAS (CW/Phone/Digital WAS). But, alas they don’t. Still, its a good feeling to know that I’ve completed that goal.
So what’s left? 5BWAS, 5BDXCC. I’m 3/5 of the way to both of those.