In the march toward 5BWAS, 15-meters was crossed off the list this morning when W3SFG, Steven in Maryland, confirmed our contact made 10 days prior.
I had been watching LotW closely, waiting for that contact to be confirmed, and became concerned when I saw his most recent upload did not include a confirmation. I took a scatter shot at guessing Steven’s email, and was fortunately able to get through to him. Our QSO was in his log but was not in LotW despite the recent upload. To make a long story short, it turned out he had logged the mode as “JT65A” (technically correct), but LotW’s eQSL program was rejecting entries with that emission type (only accepting the more generic base mode “JT65”).
When I suggested this might be the issue, Steven noticed that he hadn’t received a single JT65A confirmation since December, when he had switched to a different computer. I further suggested that a more recent TQSL Configuration File (1.19: You can find it HERE) would accept JT65A and automatically convert it to JT65. Apparently that did the trick, and Steven was able to upload his TQSL file again, and this time the JT65 confirmation went through.
Whew — Three down and two to go for 5BWAS. Only AK needed for 80-meter WAS. But 15 states needed for 10-meter WAS. I bet you can guess which band my rig will be on this summer!