I really can’t make this a goal for a single year, because I think it will take several to complete. I really would like to achieve the CQ Magazine WPX Award of Excellence. This is far from trivial as has 14 requirements:
- 1000 prefixes in Mixed mode (have 1428)
- 600 prefixes in SSB (have 507)
- 600 prefixes in CW (have 650)
- North America 160 (have 559)
- South America 95 (have 122)
- Europe 160 (have 503)
- Africa 90 (have 93)
- Asia 75 (have 72)
- Oceania 60 (have 50)
- 3.5 MHz 175 (have 364)
- 7 MHz 250 (have 486)
- 14 MHz 300 (have 620)
- 21 MHz 300 (have 541)
- 28 MHz 300 (have 400)
WPX is a hunt for different “prefixes” world-wide. So “WB4” would be one, “XE3” would be another, etc. Obviously it takes thousands of contacts to complete, and some of the specific requirements aren’t easy (especially for those of us who live in New England — Asia is a challenge for example). But I’ve already completed 11 of the 14 requirements. The hardest for me will likely be getting another 93 SSB contacts with different prefixes. Asia and Oceania shouldn’t be too hard. I have already met the requirements for several endorsements (160/30/17 meter bands, and Digital, but I am 65 prefixes short of the 12 meter endorsement).