I had UISS, CAT7200, and SatGate2 running last night. My hourly beacon was showing up just fine on the APRS network, but I was disappointing that nothing appeared to get routed from the RF side to the Internet.
When I woke up this morning, I eventually made it to my Wombat Room (man-cave where my ham radio gear is locate — OK the furnace room, especially comfortable in the hot summer). I was expecting to see that I simply hadn’t received any packets from the RS0ISS. That was not the case, the UISS log showed many:
Fm WB3FKP To CQ Via RS0ISS* <UI pid=F0 Len=56 >[02:06:38]
:ISS-5 :Hello to all over the ISS ! wb3fkp@gmail.com
Fm WB3FKP To CQ Via RS0ISS* <UI pid=F0 Len=18 >[02:06:47]
:Heard :K0KOC-1
Fm WB3FKP To CQ Via RS0ISS* <UI pid=F0 Len=53 >[02:06:57]
Mark in Alden, PA 65W and 5/8wave GP Hello Via ISS
Fm K0KOC-1 To 3Y2S1Y Via RS0ISS* <UI pid=F0 Len=12 >[02:07:43]
‘i4wl #/]=
Fm N1NCB-1 To APOT21 Via RS0ISS*,APRS,CQ <UI pid=F0 Len=45 >[02:08:37]
/060848h4355.01N/06954.33W_14.1V 71F EPE015
Fm AK3Q-1 To SYPV3W Via RS0ISS* <UI pid=F0 Len=16 >[03:42:45]
`p8ll -\]”5k}=
So there were plenty of opportunities for routing to occur, but it had not. I checked the IGate Settings and saw this:
The RF to Inet IGate is turned on, setup for only packets that I receive directly. BUT WAIT, what’s that “Gate only these” callsign? Is it R0ISS* ? That is the DEFAULT setting for SatGate2. It should have been RS0ISS*. I’ve made that correction and will wait for passes later today to see if thing are routing.
By the way I received many packets from PSAT-1 last night. They won’t route through with the current “Gate only these” callsign. And setting it to ARISS will allow too much to route through. For now I’m trying PSAT-1 as I understand that call is used when the digipeater is turned off.