Ah, sweet vacation!! It’s nice to have some time off during the day to hunt DX. Yesterday that netted my first Madagascar contact. Today it is my first Liberian station, EL2LF, on 15 meters. That brings me to 199 in the log, just one away from my goal of 200 by year’s end. LotW is in pretty good shape at 146 confirmed (plus a couple that should show up in the next few weeks and at least one QSL in hand).
Not that this sunspot cycle has been anything to brag about (in fact it is remarkable in that it is one of the lowest/worst cycles in 100+ years), but it has been very nice to be able to hunt DX like the big guns this year. Despite his passing 14 years ago, for some reason hunting DX makes me think of my dad, who never was a DXer, but was ecstatic every time my signals managed to cross an ocean (a rare event for me then). I swear I can feel him smiling.
Yesterday, I received a nice certificate from the Northern California DX Foundation, which I joined earlier this year. I’m so impressed with the work they do sponsoring DXpeditions, like PT0S.