I started the year with 5 goals. Two have been completed and two are underway:
- Teach a CW Academy Course – This goal has been completed after teaching 16 classes in January and March. All seven students were advanced to the next higher level
- Teach a Technician Course – The planning has been completed for a class to begin on April 19th. So far 17 students have signed up.
- Conduct NCRC’s first electronic VE exam. This was completed on March 11th. Beyond a doubt this is by far the most efficient way of giving an exam. NCRC will be funding the purchase of additional tablet computers to support this activity.
- Build my QRP-Labs QCX 20m Transceiver – I have not begun this task.
- Participate in 120+ CWTs for the CWops Gold Medal. For the 2022 year, I have completed 52 CWTs. Today is actually my 1 year anniversary of my first CWT, and I have completed 143 of them during that period of time.