I was checking my Hunter status today to see how far I was from the next award and discovered a new award had arrived a few days back (Feb 18th). It is the “Operator to Operator” award, given for working the same operator at 50 different parks.
For months, I’ve enjoyed working Bill Brown K4NYM on CW, often several times a day. It’s gotten to the point where I recognize his signal by sound before I get a chance to copy his call. Without knowing it, Bill and I have worked each other in 50 different parks. He is an amazing adventurer to be out and about so often. There have been some days when the clouds, cold, and damp just seep into my bones this winter, but contacting Bill always makes me feel better. Thank you Bill !
And speaking of thanks, I continue to be amazed by the Parks On The Air program that Jason W3AAX and his team have put together. We are lucky to be in a hobby with so many selfless folks that make it an absolute joy to be on the air!