The CWOps group runs a mini contest called CW Test (CWT) on Wednesdays. I’ve participated in the last five and have found a slow but steady improvement in my score. So far I’ve been in the Search & Pounce mode, but I’m starting to recognize call signs of those not running 40 WPM and up the first time. I still get thrown a bit by the short-codes used for the membership numbers like A=1, T=0, N=9, etc.
No matter what, it’s a bunch of fun and I look forward to it each week. I’ve managed to bump into N3JT, Jim Talens, CWops member #1 in the contest a few times now (my hand starts to shake when I work him). Someday I will try the 0300Z event to see what 80m and 160m are like.
Edited: I actually tried the 0300Z CWT last night for the first time (it starts at 11 PM local time on Wednesday night). I was amazed at how busy 40m was. 80m was not quite as productive, but there were still plenty of stations to work. I used my Flex6000M with the Maestro remote head in my bedroom and headphones to avoid waking my wife up. I was scribbling calls, times, membership numbers, and frequencies down fast and furious. Sort of fun to run a contest in my jammies!