While Rhode Island is sort of small (Yellowstone can hold TWO Rhode Islands), it is a beautiful place, and is currently host to forty Parks On The Air entities. One of them, Arcadia Wildlife Management Area covers a broad area on central west RI, and is the largest recreational area in the state. Surprisingly, no one has ever activated Arcadia, K-6979, according to ParksOnTheAir. That changed today!
I drove into Arcadia and parked near Browning Mill Pond. I was intending to test a couple of antennas, and chose to begin with a 20-meter HamStick attached to the roof of my truck with a 5″ MagMount. I used an Icom IC-7000, a small all band/mode 100 watt rig (idle since the 2016 ARRL NPOTA). The HamStick was tuned to slightly favor the SSB portion of the band, with a SWR of 1.3:1 (it was 2.0:1 at 14.001 MHz and 1.8:1 at 14;349 MHz).
On-air operation began at 17:45 UTC, and ceased at 18:59 UTC; that’s 74 minutes. Oddly enough, I completed 74 contacts in that period, coast to coast and a few into Europe. Signals were unbelievably strong into the Southeast, with TN and AL booming in well over S9 (these states are a single F-layer hop away from RI). During that time, I consumed 9.1 AH from my 30 AH battery (or a rate of 7.4 AH per hour of “pileup” use).
In the end, I never did try my new end-fed half-wave antenna, as the pileup was quite deep with just the HamStick. Thanks to all Hunters who made the activation fun!