I was fortunate enough to work CY9C today at 21:08:39 during a pass of AO-7. Great operator on the other end and great signals too. Heard him work quite a few prior to me as well.
Did the same thing when they weren’t busy on a XW-2C pass at 22:07:25. Even stronger signals.
Clayton, W5PFG, published the following table on the AMSAT-BB (He reported hearing my call to CY9C down in Texas):
CY9C satellite passes for next 24 hours. They make work others as available. Asterisks * indicates a prioritized pass for best geographical coverage. All dates/times are UTC
25.08.2016 AO-85 16:51-17:02
25.08.2016 AO-07 17:15-17:34
25.08.2016 AO-85 18:32-18:42
25.08.2016 AO-07 19:06-19:27
25.08.2016 XW-2C 20:28-20:37 *
25.08.2016 AO-07 21:04-21:19 *
25.08.2016 XW-2C 22:02-22:11
25.08.2016 XW-2F 22:16-22:25
25.08.2016 XW-2A 23:38-23:44 *
26.08.2016 FO-29 01:46-01:52 *
26.08.2016 SO-50 03:10-03:21
26.08.2016 FO-29 03:28-03:45 *
26.08.2016 SO-50 04:50-05:02 *
26.08.2016 FO-29 05:13-05:30
26.08.2016 SO-50 06:33-06:42 *
26.08.2016 FO-29 06:59-07:11 *