At the beginning of each year I set some goals for myself. These were the goals I set for 2016:
2016 Goals:
- 255 Confirmed Countries
- 1,200 DX Band-Points
- WAS Completed on 12 Meters
- Successful ARISS Contact at All Saints Academy
- Teach a Technician Class for Monsignor Clarke Middle School
- Teach a Technician Class Elsewhere
- Complete my K1
As my DXCC update indicates, I stand at 254 confirmed countries, so one more to go (and at least three DX stations have shown me in their Club Log file — so some green stamps and mailed envelopes should take care of that.
DXCC Challenge is over 1,200 band-points now, so that one is complete. My WAS on 12-meters is still missing WV. With the decline in sunspots that band has very little activity. That said I did hear WV once on 12-meters this year and failed to make a contact with them.
The ARISS contact at ASA was wildly successful, but the class at Monsignor Clarke Middle School fell through (not enough student interest for after school). We may well hold it as a formal class during school in the fall.
Finally my K1 was completed. I did break down and buy the internal tuner, so I will need to build that and install it at some point.
So 3 out of 7 goals completed so far.