XW-2A had a pass around 22:25 UTC. I found my uplink to be about 0.5 KHz high again, so I applied the corresponding offset to my SatPC32 doppler.sqf file, and had a good tx/rx relationship for the pass.
At 22:29:06, N8HM gave me a call. I never heard a return QSL, but hopefully he copied the information.
Don’t know that I’ve ever worked 3 new birds in one day before. It was nice having some decent luck… It was a Satellite Hat Trick!!!
At the next XW-2F pass, I adjusted the TX offset, quite far off (I think I was partially into it when I lost the bird the first time). I then had a QSO with K4RGK, Daryl, in Roswell GA (EM74), at 23:04:17 UTC (I had heard Daryl earlier on AO-7).