Always looking for a new way to practice for our upcoming ARISS contact the first week of May, I setup the MMSSTV program to decode the SSTV signal being sent from ISS on 145.800 MHz. The signal is sent using the normal FM Voice gear, so I would have expected it to not experience any “drift” but some can been seen in the image below. The 20:43 to 20:53 UTC pass was a low altitude one, about 24 degrees, passing from west to north east of me. The image started about 3 min after rise and ended about 3 minutes before set.
Gear was an IC-9100 with SatPCISS running Doppler adjustment. The antenna is an M2 EB-144 Eggbeater, SSB Electronics SP-2000 preamp, and 125 feet of Belden 9913 coax — outdoor stuff circa 1998. Signal levels without the preamp were running S5 while decoding. Image was captured using MMSSTV.
Good reference here:
I have a IC9100 and plan to run MMSSTV of the ISS coming up. Is there anything on the program that might need to be changed or just run it as normal?
Hey Terry — Been awhile since I ran the program, but I’m fairly certain all I did (other than clicking on some boxes) was select the correct audio input (USB CODEC).
You might find this information from the ISS Fan Club helpful:
Good Luck!
Thanks I will check it out. I seen a few who had different settings.
Another reference can be found here: