Yesterday a box that was about a cubic foot showed up on my doorstep. Expecting something heavy I almost tossed it over the roof when I picked it up — it weighed less than 2 pounds. I didn’t recognize the return address, so that added to the mystery. Inside, surrounded by two injected foam inserts was my Worked All W1AW Plaque. I had ordered that almost three month ago. They must really treasure those plaques (I certainly do) because they were packaged like it was a rare work of art.
As a newly licensed Novice back in 1970, working W1AW was my dream, and over the ensuing years I worked them numerous times (any time I would hear them on the air). So last year’s W1AW portable event was a dream come true. I look forward to receiving a large pile of QSL cards from all the different states they operated in.