What do you think of when you hear the word “FunCube”? If you are a Ham Radio operation then perhaps you might think of the FunCube satellite.
But what if you heard the phrase “FunCube Dongle”? Would you call the police?
May I direct your attention to the other side of the Atlantic and this website
The FunCube Dongle just happens to be a fantastic Software Defined Radio that covers a frequency range of 64 MHz to 1700 MHz, with excellent sensitivity in the 2 Meter and 70 Centimeter ham bands (like 0.15 uV for 12dB SINAD NBFM). It was originally designed to be a low-cost way of getting a satellite capable receiver into the hands of schools.
Go there and check it out if a low-cost SDR intrigues you. Meanwhile, I pinched a picture from that website to entice you!