What a Difference a 10m Opening Makes

Last weekend was the CQWW RTTY Contest.  Perhaps due to the RTTY activity, or maybe it was just Mother Nature at work, but I found 10 meters alive and well on Saturday.  I wasn’t participating in the contest, but it acted like a beacon, drawing other operators to 10 meters, and I was able to work a few new countries.

As of now I stand at 188 countries confirmed, with 98 confirmed on 10 meters — just two more to go for my 4th DXCC band.  80 meters stands at 75 confirmed, so lots of work there, which I hope will still be possible in the declining years of the solar cycle.  Finally the Challenge count stands at 751.  Getting 1000 Challenge points sounds hard, but 25 more DXpedtions like Clipperton and I’d be over that number.  Plus in just two weeks time that has increased from 735 to 751.

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